Brand Identity Pricing Packages

Brand identity pricing can vary widely. A design agency might change between $50,000 – $100,000 depending on who they are and the scope of the project. But not all businesses need to invest that much. As an independent designer, I’m able to offer agency-level design and expertise to the same project at a much lower cost.

My design services are split up into 2 main packages. Below you will find detailed outlines of both packages for small business clients.

(Custom packages are also available if you wish to add more applications.)

Logos Designed by Taylor Dekker

Logos Designed by Taylor Dekker


Logo package

Already have a logo? Need a new Logo? No matter your situation I can help you achieve your goals with an new or updated logo for your brand or business.

Discovery Meeting

  • 1-on-1 meeting to understand your background, goals, and audience which will lay the ground work for the design process.


  • Create 2-3 logo concepts based on Discovery Meeting.

  • Each concept will be applied to mock products to test how it would work in the “real world”.

  • Your favorite solution will be selected and refined.

  • 1-2 rounds of revisions.

  • Includes a final bundle of files suitable for every application, from print to web and more and unrestricted usage rights

Logo Color Specs

  • A color guide with the specific colors used in your logo. This is mainly used by print vendors and web developers to ensure your brand colors match across all platforms. Pantone, CMYK, RGB and Hexadecimal codes provided.


standard package

Whether your a new new or established business, if you are looking to create a new brand identity and everything that encompasses that process, this is the package for you.

Discovery Meeting

  • 1-on-1 meeting to understand your background, goals, and audience which will lay the ground work for the design process.


  • Create 3-4 logo concepts based on Discovery Meeting.

  • Each concept will be applied to mock products to test how it would work in the “real world”.

  • Your favorite solution will be selected and refined.

  • 2-3 rounds of revisions.

  • Includes a final bundle of files suitable for every application, from print to web and more and unrestricted usage rights.


  • A tagline, headlines, or go-to phrases that convey meaningful ideas about your company.

Color Palette

  • Specifications for the colors in your logo, plus a secondary palette that coordinates. Pantone, CMYK, RGB, and hexadecimal codes provided.


  • Recommendations for brand fonts, with examples of how to use them.

Graphic Elements

  • Graphic shapes, lines, custom patterns, or other elements that flesh out your brand’s visual theme. Applied to mock applications to illustrate how they can be used.

Brand Style Guide

  • A multi-page document that describes the elements of your brand and ensures consistent communications. It includes usage rules and specs for the logo, color palette, typography, graphic elements, messaging, and any other elements unique to your brand.




More items can be added to the Standard Package. It can be helpful to think of a project in two parts. Phase 1 is the standard brand identity package. Phase 2 is applications. Pricing will depend on the scope of your unique needs. Popular applications include:

  • Business cards and letterhead

  • Brochures and info sheets

  • Signage

  • Social media post templates

  • Presentation templates

  • Website


Schedule a 1 on 1 free consultation video conference to learn more!