SPARCcom Corporate Brand Identity

Identity Design

SPARCcom is a Minnesota-based company that provides power and energy components to a variety of industries, from aviation to health care. The company approached Bone Designs for help refreshing its logo and brand identity.

Bone Designs created a fresh, new look for SPARCcom, leaning into the spark in its company name to design an electrifying logo. We also developed brand colors and typography for the company.

Story behind the logo

This was one of those instances where I didn’t have a lot of input from the client as I was working through a 3rd party on the branding. With the limited information I was given and the nature of SPARCcom being a technology company I wanted to keep it fairly simple but easily recognizable, which is shown in the 3 initial concepts I created. The client landed on concept 3 which invokes everything that SPARCcom is, a technology company that has many services when it comes to electricity, data & networking.


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